An essay by Cliff Burtt written after a visit to my studio in November 2022. New works from 2021/22.

Cliff Burtt visited the studio at Vale Street St Kilda and previewed my new work from 2021/22

An essay by Leslie Sprague

QUIET Qdos Arts Lorne 3 January - 16 January 2021

An essay by Cliff Burtt about Richard's exhibition PAUSE

Qdos Arts Lorne 7 January - 20 January 2018

An essay by Raymond Gill about Richard's exhibition PAUSE

Qdos Arts Lorne 7 January - 20 January 2018

An essay by Cliff Burtt about Richard's exhibition VIVID DARK

Cliff Burtt visited the studio at Vale Stret St Kilda and previewed the up coming exhibition VIVID DARK at Carbon Black Gallery. 25 April - 12 May 2013